Vulnerability scanning
A vulnerability scan is a rapid and effective method for us to map your company’s attack surface, enabling us to assess the current security posture.
In essence, this is achieved by scanning for well-known vulnerabilities and, through secure means, examining systems and applications for potential threats and security risks across your network.
Following the assessment, we create a report that documents our findings. We describe any existing vulnerabilities and their potential impact if exploited, along with recommendations on how to address and patch the vulnerabilities.
In conjunction with vulnerability scans, it can be valuable to gain a more comprehensive and continuous picture of your security level. This is where SecurityScorecard comes into play.
SecurityScorecard is a well-known tool that assesses and evaluates an organization’s cybersecurity level and risk. The results are based on scans of publicly available data and are used by companies, organizations and insurance companies to evaluate the cybersecurity risk associated with a given organization.
We offer SecurityScorecard as a service. We keep an eye on your score and ensure to keep you informed if there are changes in your rating and score. We can also monitor third-party vendors, which, with the implementation of NIS2, is required for companies providing critical infrastructure.
Evaluation is done on a wide range of security parameters, such as network and application security, patch management, data protection and much more.