If you are under cyberattack or have an urgent need for assistance due to a suspected attack, contact our SOC/CSIRT:

+45 7777 0911 soc@trifork.security

The business case for strategic cyber security

Trifork Security exists because professional cyber criminals require a professional response.

Cyber crime has become professional business

If you previously have suffered from CEO fraud, a hack or a case of ransomware, you are well aware of the feeling you are left with as the person in charge.

Anger. Frustration. Despair.

You are also left with the feeling that your recognition disappeared together with the money that has been paid for cleaning up the mess.

Perhaps your processes should have been updated earlier. And in hindsigt, you probably shouldn’t have chosen to save money instead of updating that mail server.

If it is any help, many people are in the same boat.

Unfortunately, it is fairly common that Danish companies fall victim to cyber attacks. 

We think Trifork Security is an extremely professional supplier. They have in-depth knowledge of security and are very process-oriented, meaning that they are always fully aligned with ITIL. We speak the same language, and this is very important in a differentiated and complex operating environment like ours.

Mads Parby

Former Special Consultant, NemHandel

Losing your own recognition should be the least of your worries


Unfortunately, it is fairly common that Danish companies fall victim to cyber attacks. Fixing and cleaning up a complete IT environment following a cyber attack, may easily cost more than 1 million Danish kroner for a Danish middle-sized company. For larger organizations the bill may well be much higher.

And we haven’t even mentioned the potential harm a cyber attack can cause to your corporate reputation.

Considering this, an investment in preventive measures may be a rather sensible business case.
