If you are under cyberattack or have an urgent need for assistance due to a suspected attack, contact our SOC/CSIRT:

+45 7777 0911 soc@trifork.security

CrowdStrike Day | Copenhagen – spring 2024

Within mere weeks of the new year, Denmark experienced a surge of cyber attacks. The magnitude of the attacks served as a stark reminder of the volatile world we live in, where cyber threats and attacks can impact even the most robust systems. The geopolitical landscape significantly impacts our data security, and modern cyber attacks have evolved considerably over the past 12 months. Is your security strategy adapted to this new reality?

Explore these questions further at the upcoming CrowdStrike Day in Copenhagen this April. Join us to delve into how others prevent, detect, and respond to modern attacks.

CrowdStrike’s experts will also walk you through the anatomy of modern cyber attacks and provide insight into how you can best ensure that you and your organization are equipped to withstand them.

As with previous CrowdStrike Days, the day will conclude with networking opportunities. This is your chance to engage and network with CrowdStrike’s experts and partners, as well as share your experiences with others who share your interest in cybersecurity.

If you are unable to attend in person, you can join virtually.

Registration is available via the link on the left. Here, you can also view the full program.