If you are under cyberattack or have an urgent need for assistance due to a suspected attack, contact our SOC/CSIRT:

+45 7777 0911 soc@trifork.security

Destination AARhus: September Morning Meetup

To increase awareness of current topics and trends in IT and technology, Destination AARhus organizes a variety of events every month. Here, international, national, and local experts present the most current and sought-after subjects in the digital world.

One of the event formats is the Morning Meetup, which takes place approximately four times a year. As the name suggests, the event runs from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM, offering not only breakfast but also presentations on one or more technical topics. Subsequently, time is allocated for discussion, knowledge sharing, and networking.

We are hosting Morning Meetup on September 26th, where our Team Lead for Managed Security, Christian Bech Hansen, will provide insights into the life of a security consultant. During the session, he will talk about the current threat landscape and the most active adversaries. He will also shed light on the overarching security challenges that businesses face today.

It’s an excellent way to start the day, and we are very excited. The event is already fully booked, but we hope to have the opportunity to collaborate with Destination AARhus again soon.

Christian Bech Henriksen

Trifork Security, Team Lead, Managed Security