If you are under cyberattack or have an urgent need for assistance due to a suspected attack, contact our SOC/CSIRT:

+45 7777 0911 soc@trifork.security

Folkemødet 2024

When Denmark’s largest democracy festival, Folkemødet, kicks off in mid-June, digitalization and cybersecurity will be key topics on the agenda. Naturally, Trifork Security will be there.

More than ever, it is evident that Denmark is under threat from cyberattacks. We are all vulnerable to varying degrees – nationally, regionally, locally and individually. On a cyberwalk through Allinge, in collaboration with KOMBIT and DI Digital, we will address the issue and discuss what it means for you as a citizen, what you can do as a citizen and how civil society can contribute

On the walk, you will have the opportunity to talk with politicians, experts, and fellow citizens about how cyberattacks affect our daily lives – as individuals and as a society. The consequences of a cyberattack can be severe and in a highly digitalized country like Denmark, an attack can cripple large parts of our infrastructure, impacting things like the payment of public benefits and the protection of sensitive citizen information.

The walk will feature presentations from Coding Pirates, Center for Cybersikkerhed and Aeven.

Trifork Security’s CEO, Mads Vigh, has laced up his best walking shoes and is ready to discuss cybersecurity with participants along the way.

The walk concludes at the Press Connects tent, where the key points from the cyberwalk will be debated. Along with Andreas Holbak Espersen, Head of Digital Policy – DI Digital, Kristian Vengsgaard, CEO – KOMBIT A/S, Thomas Flarup, Head of the Center for Cybersecurity, and Jacob Bundsgaard, Mayor – Aarhus Municipality, Mads will participate in a dialogue and discussion with the title Denmark’s cyber defense – our shared responsibility.

We look forward to an inspiring and educational walk in Allinge and the subsequent discussion about our shared responsibility to protect Denmark against digital threats.


10:00 – 10:50 Your role in the Danish cyber defense – join the cyberwalk (A11 Ministry of Defense authorities)
11:00 – 11:45 Danmark’s cyber defense – our shared responsibility (F5 PublicConnect/PressConnect)