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+45 7777 0911 soc@trifork.security

TEC5: Essential Cyber Security Insights in Two Hours

On August 29, Trifork Security will host a TEC5 event in Aarhus. Under the heading ‘Essential Cyber Security Insights in Two Hours’ we will explore the current threat landscape and take a closer look at the NIS2 directive, and how it will impact many Danish companies. 

Cyber criminals, state-sponsored actors, hacktivists and other malicious entities are continuously developing new techniques, tactics, and tools to harm individuals, organizations, and nations. The first session of the afternoon will concern itself with the ever evolving threat landscape, our adversaries and how to best defend ourselves.

The NIS2 directive was published at the end of 2022 and the countdown to implementation has begun. One of the main aspects of the directive is how to handle cyber and information security in the future – especially if you work with critical infrastructure. This will be our point of departure for the second session of the afternoon. 

Building on this, technical self assessment is extremely important. How does your current set-up hold up and are you properly prepared for NIS2? What are the requirements and how does this affect third party suppliers? These questions and more will be addressed during the final session of the day before we open the floor for questions and discussions.

Registration is now open via the link on the left. We hope to see you there.